
Friday, 19 August 2011


So you have your iPhone(4, 3, 3gs) and you can install thousands of apps from AppStore. What’s all this commotion about jailbreaking? Why would you need to jailbreak? What does it offer? In this post, I will give some of the most compelling reasons to jailbreak your iPhone(currently iphone 4, and 3 through Firmware version 4.3.3). I will continuously update this post as changes occur.it is mentioned in the article to the firmware version 4.3.3 as after 4.3.3 update there is only tethered jailbreak...to know the what is the diffrence of the tether and untether jailbreak you can check our FAQ page..
Jailbreaking is not unlocking! It is risk free and totally legal. Everything that works before jailbreaking continues to work after. Jailbreaking only adds features. Jailbreaking is risk free but it voids your warranty but you can simply restore in iTunes at anytime to get back to a factory state. You are not alone, many people are doing it. There are over 10 million jailbroken devices now!
Basically jailbreak let us do thing which apple dosent allow us to...there are many cool tweaks(tweaks=cydia app) which change the iphone user interface makin them much better and easy..
i would suggest you to jailbreak from pwnage tool (only for mac users) or redsnow (mac & windows)....this jailbreak tools are frequently updated after a new firmware launch....
If you decide after reading this that you wish to jailbreak, head on to our jailbreak page which will be frequently updated at KUI ..^_^

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